It’s after midnight. I am with friends at Kater Holzig - one of the most popular clubs in Berlin.
We have some drinks. We are dancing and having fun. At some point during the night I meet this guy. We are talking to each other although the music is quite loud. We are just doing some small talk, a random chat with between strangers. Before I leave he asks for my phone number.
He starts writing me the same night. For the next days he continues writing me at any day- and nighttime. I start collecting these messages, because they are somehow bizarre. He writes his very intimate thoughts to me, a stranger.
I finally decide to make a book out of his quotes. The result is a profile of a young man whose communication behaviour is influenced by the new media and the language of our daily life. He feels protected in his virtual digital bubble so that he looses all inhibitions and limitations.
This book is amusing and thought provoking at the same time.